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Chess -Real Master

Chess -Real Master



  • 游戏分类:桌面
  • 游戏收费:免费
  • 人气热度:892
  • 发布时间:2024-01-28 14:06:33
  • 游戏语言:"EN"
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 适用平台:IOS
  • 游戏厂商:Puneet Soni

Chess Its never pas

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为您推荐: 桌面 桌面 游戏 益智解谜

\"Chess \" It's never past the point where it is possible to figure out how to play chess - the most prevalent amusement on the planet! Taking in the principles of chess is the start of the diversion the chessboard is laid out so every player has the white (or light) shading square in the base right-hand side. The chess pieces are then masterminded a similar way each time. The second column (or rank) is loaded with pawns.

The rooks go in the corners, at that point the knights alongside them, trailed by the priests, lastly the ruler, who dependably goes without anyone else coordinating shading (white ruler on white, dark ruler on dark), and the lord on the rest of the square.Each of the 6 various types of pieces moves in an unexpected way. Pieces can't travel through different pieces (however the knight can hop over different pieces), and can never move onto a square with one of their own pieces. In any case, they can be moved to replace an adversary's piece which is then caught. Pieces are for the most part moved into positions where they can catch different pieces (via arriving on their square and after that supplanting them), protect their own pieces in the event of catch, or control imperative squares in the game.Each of the 6 various types of pieces moves in an unexpected way. Pieces can't travel through different pieces (however the knight can bounce over different pieces), and can never move onto a square with one of their own pieces. Nonetheless, they can be moved to replace a rival's piece which is then caught.

Pieces are by and large moved into positions where they can catch different pieces (via arriving on their square and afterward supplanting them), shield their own particular pieces if there should be an occurrence of catch, or control imperative squares in the lord is the most vital piece, yet is one of the weakest. The ruler can just move one square toward any path - up, down, to the sides, and corner to corner. The ruler may never move himself into check (where he could be caught). At the point when the ruler is assaulted by another piece this is called \"check\".

- Perfect for 1-or 2-player diversions

- Beautiful illustrations and awesome sound impacts

- Hint, Edit positions

- Outstanding AI

- This diversion is flawlessly upheld tablet gadget.

- Undo/Redo work

-UI Update
-Minor bug fixes



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Chess -Real Master

